Return & Refund Policy

During the checkout process you will be given the complete terms of your purchase. Included in those terms is your clear understanding that we are selling these products as containing extracts from hemp oil. These products have not been evaluated by the FDA. We are committed to complete compliance with FDA regulations and as such, because these products have not been evaluated by the FDA, we make no claims as to any extra benefits for products containing hemp extracts. If you decide to purchase our products, you are drawing your own opinions as to any additional benefits or use these products may provide.

All product purchased via retail or website, not to include wholesale orders carry a 90-day customer satisfaction guarantee. If you are not satisfied with any of these products please follow these guidelines to receive a full refund less any shipping charges.

1. Obtain RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) from our support team by emailing

2. Ship items to the address provided by Customer service when you are given your RMA.

3. Provide a copy of the invoice with the returned products. Such invoice must reference the RMA and include the reason for the return.

4. Ship back product in box exactly as it was delivered.

All returns must be shipped to Cultiv8Life pre-paid, as Cultiv8Life does not accept shipping collect packages. Cultiv8Life recommends shipping returned product by UPS or FedEx with tracking, as risk of loss in shipping the returned product shall be borne solely by the Customer. If returned product is not received at Cultiv8Life Distribution Center, it is the responsibility of the Customer to trace the shipment and no credit will be applied.

Your acceptance of the terms of purchase means you agree to and understand the refund policy.